Fastly Setup for

NOTE: The instructions linked on this page apply to the previous version of Edge Delivery Services and are provided for customers who have not upgraded to yet. The current version of this document is provided here.

The following screenshots illustrate how to configure Fastly to deliver content. Essential settings are marked with a red circle.

Create a Fastly service

Go to the Fastly Management UI and select Create Service:

Add Domain

Add your production domain (e.g.

Configure Origin

Add your origin (e.g.

Click on the pencil to edit the new origin:

Scroll down and change Shielding to Ashburn Metro (IAD) (non-mandatory but recommended setting) and Override host to the hostname of your origin (same as Address above, e.g. (mandatory setting):

Enable Gzip

Create VCL Snippets

Create a VCL snippet for the recv subroutine with the following VCL code:

if (fastly.ff.visits_this_service == 0) {
  # edge delivery node
  if (req.url.qs != "") {
    # remember query string
    set req.http.X-QS = req.url.qs;

    if (req.url.path !~ "/media_[0-9a-f]{40,}[/a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\.[0-9a-z]+$" 
      && req.url.ext !~ "(?i)^(gif|png|jpe?g|webp)$"
      && req.url.ext != "json"
      && req.url.path != "/.auth") {
      # strip query string from request url
      set req.url = req.url.path;

Create VCL snippets for the miss and pass subroutines with the following VCL code:

set bereq.http.X-BYO-CDN-Type = "fastly";
set bereq.http.X-Push-Invalidation = "enabled";

NB: The X-Push-Invalidation: enabled request header enables the push invalidation incl. long cache TTLs.

miss snippet:

pass snippet:

Create a deliver snippet with the following VCL code:

if (fastly.ff.visits_this_service == 0) {
  # on edge delivery node
  if (
    http_status_matches(resp.status, "301,302,303,307,308")
    && req.http.X-QS
    && resp.http.location
    && resp.http.location !~ "\?.*\z"
  ) {
    # preserve request query string in redirect location
    set resp.http.location = resp.http.location "?" req.http.X-QS;

Finally create a deliver snippet with the following VCL code:

unset resp.http.Age;

if (req.url.path !~ "\.plain\.html$") {
  unset resp.http.X-Robots-Tag;

After completing all steps and activating the service version you should be all set:


Your Fastly setup should not use Fastly’s Next Generation Web Application Firewall for requests that are going against or any other Edge Delivery Services origin. Enabling WAF with Edge Delivery Services can lead to erroneous content being delivered.

Edge Delivery Services needs no Web Application Firewall, as it is running on hardened, shared, and ultra-scalable infrastructure. Requests that a WAF would typically intercept are terminated in our CDNs.