Cloudflare Setup (with wrangler
) for
NOTE: The instructions linked on this page apply to the previous version of Edge Delivery Services and are provided for customers who have not upgraded to yet. The current version of this document is provided here.
The following screenshots illustrate how to configure Cloudflare using the wrangler command line interface to deliver AEM content. Essential settings are marked with a red circle.
Create a Cloudflare site
Enter the domain:
Select a plan:
Note that surgical push invalidations are only supported on the Enterprise plan. On all other plans the entire cache of the site will be purged every time an author publishes a content change.
For this walk-through we’ll use the Free plan.
DNS Setup
We’ll skip the DNS setup step as this would be beyond the scope of this simple walk-through. Make sure the CNAME record is Proxied:
Select SSL/TLS from the left pane and Edge Certificates in the dropdown list:
On the right side, scroll down to Always Use HTTPS and enable it:
Configure Caching
Create Page Rule
Create Worker
Fork or create a new GitHub repository using this template.
Clone the repository and follow the instructions in the README. You can skip directly to step 2.
After completing all steps you should be all set.