
To ensure functioning within normal parameters and system stability for all customers, we enforce limits across many dimensions. The limits are designed to prevent accidental misuse and are subject to change and often can individually be raised on a per customer basis.

If you find yourself in a situation where you think that the limits are prohibitive for your use case, contact us and let us know.

Document naming

The URLs generated for document names will only take into account the following characters:

- alphabetical, lowercase characters (a-z)

- numbers (0-9)

- simple dash (-)

All other characters are replaced with a single dash, and the final document name will have leading and trailing dashes removed.

The full file path for a document should not exceed 900 characters.

Content Source Limits

The following limits below are applied on preview operations for content that is ingested from Sharepoint or Google Drive. If exceeded most of them produce an error in sidekick for authors.

File Size Limits

Support for uploads of files from the content sources is provided for the following file types with the following limits.

Filetype Limit
Document (.docx / gdoc) 100 MB
Spreadsheets 100k rows, 500k cells.
Character limit per cell: 32K (Microsoft Excel) or 50K (Google Sheets)
Videos (.mp4) 2 minutes, 300 KB/s
Images (.png, .jpg) 10 MB (4000 x 4000 pixels)

Other file types may be uploaded through code (eg. through GitHub) or depending on the use case created on the client-side (eg. .ics, etc.).

Indexing Limits

An individual index cannot grow beyond 50k pages indexed.

Sitemap Limits

An individual sitemap file cannot grow beyond 50k pages or 50MB

Redirect Limits

The number of redirects per site cannot exceed 100k.

Number of pages per site

An individual site managed in a single sharepoint library or google drive cannot grow beyond 1m pages. It is advisable to split up large sites into smaller, team based sharepoint libraries / google shared drives.

Rate Limits (number of preview operations per time)

Rate limits are inferred from the underlying content source (eg. Sharepoint and Google Drive).

AEM Code Sync/GitHub limits

To keep the project size manageable we limit the number and size of files that we synchronize from your GitHub repository, as well as the number of active branches/refs. If you have more files in your repo use .hlxignore to avoid syncing them. The combination of owner, repository and branch name should not exceed 59 characters.

Dimension Limit
Number of files per ref 500
Number of active refs 100
Total size of ref 10 MB

Rate Limits (number of deploy operations per time)

Rate limits are inferred from GitHub.

BYOM Content Source Limits

The following limits below are applied on preview operations for content that is ingested via a bring your own content source. If exceeded most of them produce an error in sidekick for authors.

Type Limit
Source size (.html) 1 MB
Response Time 10 seconds*
Number of unique images 100
Image fetch response time 5 seconds*
Size of images 10mb

* Please note that the overall response time for fetching the html and the images must not exceed 25 seconds.

Admin API Limits

The admin API is rate limited to 10 requests per second, per project for all operations.

Use the respective bulk APIs for operating on large amounts of resources.