Audit log

Admin and indexing operations are recorded in an audit log that can be queried via an Admin endpoint.

Only users who have the role can read the audit logs, see Project Configuration for more information.

There’s also a handy tool to look at the audit logs.

Admin operations

The audit log stores information about the following successful Admin operations:

Name Description
preview When a page is previewed or removed from preview..
live When a page is published or unpublished.
index When a page is indexed or removed from the index..
cache When a page is manually purged from the cache.
code When code is synchronized from GitHub.
config When the site configuration is modified.
sitemap When a sitemap is rebuilt manually.
job When a cache purge job is triggered after code synchronization .
form When a sheet is prepared for data ingestion (deprecated).

The following information about those operations is stored:

Name Description
timestamp Epoch when the operation took place.
duration Time in milliseconds the operation took.
method HTTP method used (POST or DELETE)
route The operation that took place (see above).
path The target path of the operation.
contentBusId The internal content bus ID of the project.
org The organization name.
site The site name.
ref The GitHub branch or tag affected.
user User that made the change, missing if the request was not authenticated.
search Query string of the URL requested.

Indexing operations

The audit log stores information about the outcome of background indexing operations, namely:

Name Description
timestamp Epoch when the operation took place.
contentBusId The internal content bus ID of the project.
changes An array of strings describing what changed in the index.
errors An array of strings containing errors that occurred while indexing.
unmodified The number of index changes that did not change a row in the index.


Here are some examples of how common operations triggered via Sidekick will be reflected in the audit log:

Operation Sidekick Audit log
Preview Preview button in editor
Reload button in preview environment
method: POST, route: /preview
Publish Publish button in preview, live or production environment
method: POST, route: /live
Unpublish Unpublish button in preview, live or production environment
method: DELETE, route: /live
Delete Delete button in preview, live or production environment
method: DELETE, route: /preview
method: DELETE, route: /live